THOMAS PORTER (1597 - circa 1668) of Mawdesley, Lancashire, England
son of Henry Porter and Ann Nelson
It appears that Thomas was the only son of Henry Porter and Ann Nelson (a second primary source for Ann is still being sought). It appears that Thomas never married or had children, which is supported by the choice of beneficiaries in his will. He left his estate to the children of his sister, Elizabeth Porter Rose.
Transcription by:
Denise A Harman
UK based Genealogical Researcher & Record Agent
(est. 1993).
Research speciality areas: Northwest England,
including Lancashire, Cheshire & Cumbria.
Scottish & Irish ancestry also researched.
WCW/12/1/1668 Thomas
Porter of Mawdesley, Croston, Yeoman
Will & Inventory (2)
(1) Will
In the name of God Amen The Nyneteenth day of December
in the yeare of o(ur )
Lord God One Thousand Six hundred & Sixtie Eight. I Thom(a)s Porter of Mawdesley in the Countie
of Lanc(aster) yeoman being weake of Bodie, but of good & p(er)fect memory
I give praise & thanks to Almightie for the same, And beeinge unmindfull to
dye intestate doe ordaine this my last will and Testam(en)t wherein &
whereby I doe expresse & declare my will & mind concernige the
disposition of my Soule, my Body, my Reall & p(er)sonall Estate in manner
& forme followinge, (That is to say) First and principally I doe recommend
& bequeath my Soule & spirit into the mercifull proteccon of Almightie
God my Maker & creator & in Jesus Christ, my most gracious and
mercifull father who first inspired the same into my mortall Body hoping (by
the merits of Christ his death & passion) to have free pardon &
remission of all my Sinns. Item my Bodie
I doe recomend to the Earth from whence it came to bee intered (according to
Christian buriall) at the Parish Church of Eccleston (neare Croston) in the
usuall place of Buriall at the discretion of my friends. Item I doe hereby revoke & make void all
former wills Testam(en)ts Codicills & wills (…)cupative whatsoever
heretofore by mee made or published. And
as conc(er)ninge my reall Estate I doe dispose of the same as followeth (to
witt) all my Lands & tenem(en)ts scituate lyeinge and beeinge in Mawdesley
aforesaid (whether in fee simply, or fee Taile) I doe give & bequeath to my
Nephew Thom(a)s Rose of Bretherton, & his heires for Ever To have & to
hould the same unto him the said Thom(a)s Rose and his heires for Ever. Item I doe give devise Assigne and bequeath
all that my mesuage houses Edifices Buildings Crofts yords orchards Gardins
Priviledges & App(er)ten(a)cs whatsoever, & all my tythe & Estate
there of or there unto w(hi)ch I hould by lease unto the said Thom(a)s Rose And
his Assignes, And likewaise all my deeds (
) my ( ) writings Leases Assignem(en)ts
Surrenders & ( ) whatsoever
touchinge and concerninge the saide Lands tenem(en)ts mesuage Crofts yords orchards
& Gardins I give & bequeath to the said Thom(a)s Rose, It(em) I give
devise bequeath and Assigne unto the said Thom(a)s Rose & his Assignes all
the Estate title tearme & Interest w(hi)ch I have of and in one mesuage
& small tenem(en)t in Wrightinton in the County of Lancast(er) called
dwarihouse house & Tenem(en)t by force of A certaine Contract or
Agreem(en)t heretofore made by and betweene Thurstan Heskin (late) of
Wrightinton aforesaid gent (now deceased) & mee (the said) Thom(a)s Porter
together w(i)th the said Contract. Item
as touchinge my p9er)sonall Estate I doe dispose of the same in manner as
followeth (That is) First I doe will ordeine & appoint that my Buriall, all
my funerall Expences, & penny – doale – to the poore shalbee first
defray(e)d. Item I doe give &
bequeath unto the said Thom(a)s Rose one Beddstead, one great Chist & one
Presse for Apparrell standinge in the Chamber at the higher End of the house,
one Table in The house, one Cupboord in the Buttery; And one bigg Chist in the
Chamber below to remaine as heire loomes to him & his heires from one
generacon to another; It(em) I doe give & bequeath to my neece Margery the
wife of Rob(er)t Martin Twentie pounds.
Item I doe give & bequeath to my neece Elizabeth the wife of Hugh Crosse Twentie
pounds, And to their daughter Elizabeth Crosse Tenn pounds.
Item I doe give & bequeath to Elizabeth the wife of Rob(er)t Jackson beeinge my neece Tenn pounds. And to their sonne Rob(er)t Jackson Tenn
pounds. Item wheras my father (in Law)
Will(ia)m Wolell(?) of Walch=whittle oweth unto mee the sume of fortie pounds,
I doe freely forgive unto him the one Twentie pounds thereof and I doe give
bequeath & appoint the other twentie pounds (remainder of the said fortie
pounds) to the poore inhabitants in Mawdesley to bee distributed and dealt
amongst them at the discretion of my Executor hereafter named by fortie
shillings A yere untill the said Twentie pounds and the Interest w(hi)ch shall
(from yere to yere) become due for the remaininge parte of the said £20 shalbee
wholly & clearly distributed & dealt in such manner as aforesaid, And
the said yerely distribucon to bee made at two feasts in the yere (to witt) at
Chrismas the summe of Twentie shillings, and at the feast of Easter 20s, the
first paym(en)t to com(m)ence at whether of the said Feasts shall next &
first ensue & come after my decease.
Item I doe give & bequeath to my Godson Thom(a)s Sollom five
Shillings. Item I doe give &
bequeath to my Goddaughter Dorothy Finch five shillings. Item I doe give & bequeath to my Godson
James Finch Fortie shillings. Item I doe
give & bequeath to my Godson Will(ia)m Smith Fortie shillings. Item I doe give & bequeath to my servant
Thom(a)s Knowles three pounds. Item I
doe give & bequeath to my servant maid Margaret Armitrydinge fortie
shillings. Item I doe give &
bequeath to Margery the wife of John Milner the long Chist w(hi)ch standeth in
Thom(a)s Chamber, Item I doe give & bequeath to Jane Milner (their
daughter) Fortie shillings. Item all the
rest residue & remainder of my goods Cattells Chattells & Creditts
wherewith God hath indued mee, I doe give & bequeath to the aforesaid
Thomas Rose, Will(ia)m Rose, Margery Martin, Elizabeth Crosse, Elizabeth
Jackson, equally to bee divided amongst them; yet nevertheles it is my will
& mind, and I doe accordingly hereby ordeine devise & appoint that of
anie p(er)son or p(er)sons, Legatee, or Legatees to whom I have hereby given
bequeathed devised assigned or appointed anie Guift, Legacie, oe bequest
whatsoever; doe or shall (at anie time or times after my decease) either by
him, her, or them self, or selves, or by anie other p(er)son or p(er)sons
whosoever; raise com(m)ence or move, or cause to bee raised com(m)ented or
moved anie suite or suits (al Law) or other Trouble or Controversie, either
against my Executor for executinge this my will, or against anie p(ar)te of my
will & mind herein exp(re)ssed & hereby declared, or shall (upon
paym(en)t of his, her, or their Legacie, or Legacies) denie or refuse to seale
& deliv(er) acquittances releases, or other lawfull discharges to my
Ex(ecutor), or to his Ex(ecutors) or Adm(inistrators) for the same, & for
the releasinge of all suites & controversies touchinge my Estate reall
& p(er)sonall, the same Acquittancs, releases, or discharges beeinge
lawfully tendered That then & from thenceforth forever, every such Legatee
shalbee utterly & absolutely & totally secluded, barred, & deprived
of his, her, & their Legacy & Legacies, And I doe ordeine will &
appoint that my Ex(ecutor) shall reteine & keep every such Legacy in his
hands & custodie to defend this my will w(i)thall against all opposers
thereof; And if anie part of such Legacies shall remaine after all such suites
or controversies shall bee ended, I doe will ordeine & appoint that the
same shall bee dispossed of & equally divided w(i)th the remainder of my p(er)sonall
Estate anythinge herein conteyned to the Contrary notw(i)thstandinge. And Lastly I doe ordeine & make my
aforesaid Nephew Thom(a)s Rose the sole Executor of this my last will &
Testam(en)t hopinge that hee will truly and faithfully execute the same
accordinge to my will & mind herein declared & accordinge to my trust
in him ( ) reposed. In witnes whereof I the said Testator Thomas
Porter have hereunto set my hand and seale, & the same have published &
declared for my last will the day & yere first above written.
Sealed Signed & deliv(er)ed Thomas Porter
in the p(re)sence of
William Eccleston
Jo(hn) Milner
(2) Inventory
A True & p(er)fect Inventory of all the Goods
Chattles and Chattells of Thomas Porter (late) of Mawdesley in the Countie of
Lanc(aster) yeoman deceased taken & made by the Apprisem(en)t of Thom(a)s
Prescott, Will(ia)m Blackhurst, William Eccleston, and Edward Bamford, The
Fourth day of January Anno D(om)ini 1668
(English Style) £ s d
Impr(imis) one
browne Cow 3 7 0
It(em) one
other Cow 3 13 0
It(em) two
Heyfers 5 0 0
It(em) Foure
sterks 7 0 0
It(em) one
Bullocke 2 13 4
It(em) two
Calves 2 6 8
It(em) one
Fatt Cow 4 10 0
It(em) Eighteene
sheep 3 0 0
It(em) two
white mares 8 10 0
It(em) one
blacke mare & A litle gray mare 5 0 0
It(em) two
Coults a yere ould apiece 2 0 0
It(em) Oates 9 0 0
It(em) Barlie 3 0 0
It(em) Beanes 2 10 0
It(em) Hay 5 10 0
It(em) Timber
on the Milne hill 2 0 0
It(em) stones
at the barne syde 1 0 0
It(em) two
life swine 1 15 0
It(em) in
sawed Timber & boords 2 10 0
It(em) one
paire of wheeles 1 15 0
It(em) one
Corne Cart 0 15 0
It(em) one
Turfe Cart 0 12 0
It(em) one
Coale Cart 0 8 0
It(em) Cloven
Timber 0 12 0
It(em) one
marle Cart & wheeles 0 9 0
It(em) one
other paire of shooed wheeles 1 10 0
It(em) two
plowes & Irons 0 12 0
It(em) Harrowes
& Swingletrees 0 7 0
It(em) Horse
geare 1 2 6
It(em) one
Cheese presse 0 5 0
It(em) one
other Cheese presse 0 3 4
It(em) one
Brake 0 2 6
It(em) pilches,
( ), oreleys(?) & packsaddles 0 7 0
It(em) Sacks
& winnow sheets 2 5 0
It(em) Sives
& Riddles 0 2 6
It(em) one
straw Hampert for Corne 0 1 6
It(em) two
Cart ropes 0 4 0
It(em) two
Hatchetts 0 1 4
It(em) Forks
& spades 0 2 0
It(em) Eight
pitchforks 0 2 0
It(em) Rakes
& shakeforks 0 0 6
It(em) one
Worthing hooke & two Threshells 0 0 6
It(em) beast
Seales 0 1 6
It(em) Bricke 4 10 0
It(em) floaringe
Stone 0 8 0
In the Kitchin
Impr(imis) woodden
vessell 2 5 0
It(em) one
ould Chist 0 4 0
It(em) one
ould dishboord 0 3 0
It(em) one
half bushell, one Lanthorne, & other odd
Implem(en)ts 0 2 0
It(em) pann
Brasse 1 17 4
It(em) pott
brasse 2 5 0
It(em) foure
litle priggs 0 8 6
In the Butterie
Impr(imis) plaine
pewter 0 19 2
It(em) hollow
ware 0 12 5
It(em) one
Cupboord 0 10 0
It(em) two
Barrells & one kinlin(?) 0 6 0
It(em) in
Treene vessell 0 9 0
It(em) Earthen
vessell 0 8 0
It(em) Glasse
Bottles 0 1 0
It(em) brass
mortar & pestell 0 3 0
It(em) boords,
& shelfes 0 2 6
In the Ieeling(?)
It(em) one
bucking knopp 0 3 6
It(em) one
paire of Bedstocks 0 4 0
It(em) one
paire of panniers 0 0 6
It(em) two
Bee hyves 0 6 8
It(em) Towe,
a sheep skin, & other odd things 0 0 6
It(em) one
sp(in)ing wheele 0 2 0
It(em) three
Ladders 0 5 0
It(em) one
sledd 0 0 6
In the Chamber over the Kitchin
It(em) woodden
vessell 0 8 6
It(em) one Turnell 0 8 0
It(em) one
sitting wheele 0 1 0
It(em) Sickles 0 1 0
It(em) one
sapling Chist 0 12 0
It(em) one
Ash Chist 0 5 0
It(em) one
Single stocke, & hand(le) 0 1 0
It(em) one
paire of beddstocks 0 4 0
It(em) one
Chaffbedd & bolster 0 2 6
It(em) two
Coverletts & one Blanckett 0 7 0
It(em) one
Saw, One ( ), & other Iron geare
there 0 2 6
In the Chamber below
It(em) one
Chist 0 13 0
It(em) one
other Chist 0 7 0
It(em) two Boxes 0 2 6
It(em) one
Trunke 0 8 0
It(em) one
Deske & litle box 0 9 0
It(em) one
litle Chist & box 0 4 6
It(em) one
Tresse & one boord 0 2 0
It(em) one
bedstedd w(i)th Curtaines & valance 0 17 0
It(em) one
greene Coveringe 0 7 0
It(em) two
Blancketts 0 7 0
more in the lower Chamber
It(em) one
Chaffe bedd, & one Boulster 0 5 0
It(em) 4
quisheans 0 5 0
In the South Chamber above
It(em) one
Chist 0 6 0
It(em) one
other Chist 0 4 0
It(em) one
litle Chist 0 2 0
It(em) one
ould Trunke 0 2 6
It(em) one
Chaffe bedd, & stocks 0 4 0
It(em) 3
Coverletts 0 14 0
It(em) two
Blancketts 0 6 0
It(em) two
boords, & one staffe 0 2 0
It(em) a
paire of waights, a litle straw hampert & A paire of
Cards 0 1 0
It(em) in
hemp Tow & yarne 1 0 0
It(em) two
litle wisketts & one baskett 0 0 6
In the South Chamber below
Impr(imis) one
Chist 0 18 0
It(em) one Presse
for Cloths 0 14 0
It(em) one litle
Chist 0 4 0
It(em) a standinge
bedstead 1 10 0
It(em) Curtaines
& valence 0 6 0
It(em) two Barrells 0 5 0
It(em) one
litle Chist & A chaire 0 1 6
It(em) one haire
sive & an other Sive 0 1 6
It(em) two
Coverletts & two blancketts 1 5 0
It(em) Books 1 4 0
It(em) one
draw Box 0 0 4
It(em) his
later wives apparrell 5 4 0
In the house
Impr(imis) one
Table 0 10 0
It(em) one
Chaire Table & box 0 7 0
It(em) Chaires
stooles & quisheons 0 8 0
It(em) shelves 0 2 6
It(em) one
Hatchell 0 1 6
It(em) one
Coveringe voyder 0 0 9
It(em) one
Girdle & Spittle 0 4 0
It(em) one
smoothing Iron & heaters 0 1 6
It(em) one
dripping pann & other small Iron geare 2 9 0
It(em) one
Chimney, two fire ( ) Tongues &
other Iron geare
the fire 0 10 0
In other places
It(em) feather
bedds Boulsters & new Ticke 9 9 0
It(em) Linn(en)
& Napperyware 3 7 0
It(em) one
rydinge Suite 0 10 0
It(em) one
Brasse Candlesticke 0 0 6
It(em) Fuell 1 6 8
It(em) stoine
troughs 0 2 6
It(em) the
dunge 0 10 0
It(em) Beeffe 0 8 0
It(em) Bacon
& swinesgrasse 0 4 0
It(em) pullen 0 1 4
It(em) meale
& malt & some wheat 0 16 0
It(em) wheat
on the ground 2 10 0
It(em) pillion
& pillion cloth 0 10 0
It(em) one
hackney Sadle 0 5 0
It(em) debts
owinge by specialtie 57 14 10
It(em) debts
w(i)thout specialty 12 0 8
It(em) the
decedants Apparrell 4 14 0
tot(alis) 222 08 0
lines – to follow)
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