Porter (1675) secured a Smithy and accompanying parcels of land
in the Ulnes Walton Township in 1718. The following document
outlines the agreement between the Sumnor
family and Thomas
Probate of
the Last Will and Testament of Lawrence Sumner,
including Quit Claim on property transfered to Thomas Porter of Ulnes Walton,
LAN, 1718.
TO all
Christian People to whom this present writing shall to wit Lawrence Sumnor of
Leyland in the County of Lancaster ~ ~ husbandman John Sumnor of Ulnes Walton
in the said County husbandman sons of John Sumnor of Ulnes Walton in the said
County Yeoman George Parker of Leyland aforesaid husbandman and Mary his wife
daughter of the said John Sumnor the father and Lawry Sumnor younger son of
Lawry [Lawrence] Sumnor late of Ulnes Walton aforesaid Yeoman ~ ~ ~ deceased _____ WHEREAS
Lawrence Sumnor late of Ulnes Walton aforesaid Yeoman deceased by his last Will
and Testament in writing bearing date the twentieth day of February in the year
of our Lord one thousand six hundred ninety seven as touching all his lands
tenements hereditaments in Ulnes Walton aforesaid which he held in fee did
declare it to be his will and mind and thereby gave devised and bequeathed the
same unto the eldest son of his son Lawry and his heirs forever with divers other remaindors over he and the several other
persons in remainder discharging his Executors of all his debts and all such
legacies as wert thereafter mentioned and by the same will he amongst other
things gave and bequeathed unto the Children then born of the said John Sumnor
the father who was son to the Testator Lawrence Sumnor four pounds apiece when
and as they severally attained to the age of twenty and one years to wit the
first named Lawrence Mary John the son and also to Robert and Elizabeth both
since deceased and if any of them died before they attained to the age of
twenty one years their parts ~ ~ ~ to be divided amongst the survivors and the
said Testator likewise gave unto the two younger children of his son Lawry the
sum of twenty poungs equally betwixt them to be paid them by their older
Brother when he attained to one and twenty years of age and of the said will
made and appointed the said John Sumnor the fathor and William Chisnall and
John Miller both ____ declared Executors as by the said will (Relations being
thereunto had may more fully appear AND wheras Lawrence eldest son of the said Lawry Sumnor to whom the
said Real Estate was first devised and bequeathed in tail by the said will is
since dead whereby and by virtue of said will the said Estate destended or
otherwise same to John Sumnor – the second son of the said Lawry Sumnor who had
absolutely sold and conveyed the same to THOMAS
PORTER of Ulnes Walton aforesaid Blacksmith in fee AND whereas the said Lawrence Sumnor and John Sumnor the sons of
the said John Sumnor the fathor and also the said George Parker and Mary his
wife have already received from the said THOMAS
PORTER out of the purchase money for which the said Estate was sold the respective
legacies mentioned to be to them given by said Will as aforesaid and the said
Lawry Sumnor the son hath likewise at or before his Sealing and Delivery of
these presents received and had of and from the said THOMAS PORTER the legacy mentioned to be to him given and
bequeathed as aforesaid NOW know ye that the said Lawrence
Sumnor and John Sumnor the sons of the said John Sumner the father and the said
George Parker and Lawry Sumnor the son do hereby respectively acknowledge the
receipt and payment of their said several Legacies and do own and declare the
sum to be in full satisfaction and discharge as now of all Legacies and sums of
money given and bequeathed to them as any of them by the said Will as aforesaid
as of all other the claims and demands of them the said Lawrence Sumnor and
John Sumnor the sons of the said John Sumner the father George Parker Mary his
wife and Lawry Sumnor the son or any of them forth or out of the Real or person
Estate of the said Lawrence Sumnor the Testator by virture of the said Will or
otherwise howsoever and in Consideration thereof and for divers other good
causes and considerations they the said – Lawrence Sumnor and John Sumnor the
sons of the said John Sumnor the fathor George Parker Mary his wife and Lawry
Sumnor the son HAVE and each and every one of them hath received released and for
every quit claimed and by those present do and each and every one of them doth remise
release and forever quit claim ____ to the said THOMAS PORTER his heirs Executors divises and assigns as to the
said John Sumnor the fathor his Executors and Administrators All and all manner
of action and actions cause and causes of action debts duties accounts reckonings
sum and sums of money Legacies gifts bequests claims and demands whatsoever in
law or equity which they the said Lawrence Sumnor and John Sumnor the sons of
the said John Sumnor the father George Parker Mary his wife and Lawry Sumner
the son or any of then now have or hath or is or are entitled to or which they
or any of them or the Executors Administrators or legal representatives of them
or any of them can or may at any time or times hereafter have claim challenge sue
or pretend to insist on or demand from or against the said THOMAS PORTER and John Sumnor the father or either of them their or
either of their heirs Executors or Administrators forth or out of the Estate of
the said Testator by virtue of the said Will or any Legacy gift or bequest
therin contained or otherwise touching the same WITNESSES where of the said Lawrence Sumnor and John Sumnor the
sons of the said John Sumnor the father George Parker Mary his wife and Lawry
Sumnor the son have hereunto set their hands and seals the Eleventh Day of
October Anno Diem 1718.
Within the
Lancashire Triangle
Situated northeast
of Croston, LAN, and north of Eccleston, LAN
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